Vaping Reality Check

How are vaping products that contain nicotine affecting you? Knowing more can help you decide what you want to do about it.

How is Vaping Affecting You?

STEP 1 of 3
Have you ever tried to quit vaping, but couldn't?
Do you vape now because it is really hard to quit?
Have you ever felt like you were addicted to vaping?
Do you ever have strong cravings to vape?
Have you ever felt like you really needed a vape?
Do you vape more than you would like to?
Is it hard to keep from vaping in places where you are not supposed to, like school?

When you haven't used a vape for a while...

did you find it hard to concentrate because you couldn’t vape?
did you feel more irritable because you couldn’t vape?
did you feel a strong need or urge to vape?
did you feel nervous, restless, or anxious because you couldn’t vape?

Although you aren’t noticing signs of addiction right now, if you keep vaping, you could become addicted.

It’s important to know that there is no safe level of vaping. Most vapes contain nicotine, which is very addictive and especially harmful for brain development in teens and young adults. Also, the aerosol you inhale from vaping has chemicals that can harm your lungs and heart, and cause disease. Now is a great time to quit vaping – before you start to notice signs of addiction and it gets harder to quit.

In the next section, consider how vaping may be affecting your life in other ways.

You answered yes.

Based on your answers, you are experiencing symptoms of nicotine addiction. This can happen very quickly after starting to vape. Nicotine, which is found in most vapes, is a very addictive drug and is harmful to the developing brain.

Nicotine addiction is serious. The best thing you can do for your health and your future is to quit vaping.

What is Vaping Costing You?

STEP 2 of 3

Since I've started vaping, I've noticed that (select all that apply):

Based on your answers you aren’t currently noticing costs of vaping. Know that this may change and that you may later notice some costs.

While you are thinking about your vaping, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Who would be proud of me if I stopped vaping?
  • What positive changes could I experience in my life if I stopped vaping?
  • If I decided to stop vaping, what skills or abilities do I have that would help me succeed?

Now, consider, “How do my results motivate me to change my vaping?” In the next section, think about how ready you are to make a change.

Recognizing how vaping affects your life is important and can help you understand what you’ll gain if you give it up. Based on your answers, vaping is affecting you in one or more ways. Has vaping changed your life in ways you didn’t expect?

It is affecting my health

You've noticed that vaping makes you feel unhealthy, but it can be a hard cycle to break. You vape to feel better, yet you recognize it's part of what makes you feel worse. You and your body are going to be together a long time — invest in yourself. Are you ready to choose your health over vapes?

I am spending too much money on vapes

You know you're spending more money on vapes than you want to, but do you know how much? Add up how much you spend on vapes each week and then multiply that by 52. You might be surprised at how much vapes cost you in a year. What would you spend your money on if you weren't buying vapes?

I am spending a lot of time and effort getting vapes

Are you spending time thinking about where you will get vapes instead of on other parts of your life like school or your friendships? If so, this is a good time to reevaluate your priorities and what is important to you.

It is hurting my sports performance

Think back to when you began playing sports. What attracted you to your sport when you started? If you decided to stop vaping and your body felt healthier and stronger, what would you gain?

It is taking time away from things I love to do or my hobbies

Before vaping, you used to enjoy spending time doing things like playing sports, dancing, vlogging, creating art, or playing a musical instrument. Dropping your hobbies may have happened slowly over time, without you even noticing. How long has it been? What would you gain by getting back to the things that interest and challenge you?

It’s harder to stay on top of school and life

Does vaping make it harder to take care of your responsibilities? Do you have less time and motivation to start and finish the things you need and want to do for school and life? Vaping can make it harder to concentrate and reach your goals or cross things off your to-do list. If you quit vaping, how would you tackle your responsibilities and keep things manageable?

I am feeling more anxious or stressed than before

Anxiety and stress are a normal part of life. But, if you’re vaping and it’s giving you these feelings or making existing anxiety or stress feel worse, it’s time to reevaluate. Vaping is not a healthy way to handle stress.

It gets me in trouble

Nobody likes to get in trouble – especially when it’s for something you already know isn’t good for you or you shouldn’t be doing. Continuing to vape is causing problems for you. Reflect on reasons why you keep vaping and whether the choices you are making are helping you achieve your goals.

My relationships with friends and other people who care about me have changed

Vaping can change your friendships and it may be creating problems and stress in those relationships. How would your relationships with others be better if you weren’t vaping? What or who could you be missing out on?

I am not being truthful with my parents or other family members I am close to

It doesn’t feel right when you’re not being honest with your parents or other family members you are close to. You might be scared to tell them about your vaping, but keeping secrets is hard on relationships. How could you ask them or another trusted adult for help?

Now, consider, “How do my results motivate me to change my vaping?” In the next section, think about how ready you are to make a change.

What’s Next?

STEP 3 of 3

Quitting is the best action you can take to protect your health, but maybe you’re not ready yet to take that step. No matter where you are at, we have actions you can take now.

From 0-10, where 0 is “not at all ready” and 10 is “extremely ready,” how ready are you to quit vaping?

Not at all


0 - 3: You are unsure if you are ready to quit vaping right now.

Maybe you’re not in a place right now to take on a new challenge. Are there smaller changes that you would be willing to make? See below for some suggestions and you may come up with other ideas on your own.

  • Practice not vaping in places you normally vape.
  • Delay when you first vape in the morning.
  • Do you vape when you’re stressed? Make a plan for what to do instead. Maybe take a walk, do something you enjoy, or reach out to a friend.
  • Spend time with people who don’t vape or use other tobacco products.
  • Get some sleep. Being well rested will increase your resilience, which can help you get through the day and better handle whatever comes at you.

Besides making small changes, you can also find out more about vaping by getting the facts on vapes and understanding the risks associated with continuing to vape.

What needs to happen for you to consider quitting vaping in the future? What would motivate you to make a change? Is there a timeframe in the next several weeks or months when quitting would be better? Consider what circumstances might increase your readiness.

Revisit this Vaping Reality Check in the future and notice how your thoughts and readiness may shift over time. If you’re curious about what the quitting process might look like down the road, we can help you learn how to quit vaping.

4 - 6: You have some motivation and feel somewhat ready to quit vaping.

So, what’s your next step? If you feel ready to make a concrete plan, our Vaping Quit Plan will show you the steps to take and help you pick your own path to becoming vape-free.

If you don’t feel ready to make a plan, doing a little research about how to quit vaping can help you get ready to take action. Getting the facts on vapes and understanding the risks associated with continuing to vape can also help.

As you reflect on your vaping, consider taking these small steps:

  • Practice not vaping in places you normally vape.
  • Delay when you first vape in the morning.
  • Do you vape when you’re stressed? Make a plan for what to do instead. Maybe take a walk, do something you enjoy, or reach out to a friend.
  • Spend time with people who don’t vape or use other tobacco products.
  • Get some sleep. Being well rested will increase your resilience, which can help you get through the day and better handle whatever comes at you.
  • If you have questions or want personalized help, call 1-800-QUIT-NOW to speak with a trained tobacco counselor in your state.

7 - 10: You are ready to make a change!

What made you pick the number you did? Keeping your reasons in mind can help you stay focused on your goals to quit and help you manage tough moments when you feel the urge to vape.

Remember, quitting is a process, and people often need several tries before they quit completely. You don’t have to quit alone! Our Vaping Quit Plan will show you the steps to take and help you pick your own path to becoming vape-free.

For extra help, call 1-800-QUIT-NOW to speak with a trained quit counselor near you.

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